Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympic Soundtrack and Other Musical Thoughts

Woops. Too many queued quote posts and not enough "cool" stuff to separate them. We are long overdue for an update don't you think? I'll share my thoughts on recent Olympic (and tangential) happenings.

Radio repeats are incredibly annoying. It's impossible to get into a car without hearing Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" or the infamous "Call Me Maybe" (which isn't as annoying). In keeping with repetition, the Olympic montages beat Phillip Phillipis's song "Home" to the ground a million times over. Raise your hand if you thought it was a Mumford song? I hear ya.

There couldn't be a better time for One Direction to get famous. Strange-haired teenage boys prancing ("dancing") on stage while belting delicious bubblegum pop. What's not to love?

Ah, the Spice Girls. Gripping to the speeding cars for dear life while singing songs from the 90s. What a ball. Judging from Posh's face she was definitely enjoying herself the most. read: posh spice too good for the Spice Girls.

Can we have a shout out to dear Mr. Mercury? Even from the grave that man can move a crowd.

Let's end this loose Olympic music post on an even further related note--Mumford & Sons. They're at it again with a new album, Babel, to release soon! (!!!!!) Here's the single: "I Will Wait"

One day in my life will be dedicated to seeing Mumford with my dearest dear, I swear. Somewhere, somehow we'll make it happen.

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